Printable hats from Ellinee

2013 Printable from Teachers Pay Teachers

New Years Sparklers from Lil' Luna

Subway Art from Eighteen25

Video idea from How Does She Do

We did this last year and plan to make it an annual tradition. It will be fun to watch how the answers change as the kids get older!
Ask these questions each year:
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your mom’s name?
4. What does your mom do during the day?
5. What is your dad’s name?
6. What does your dad do during the day?
7. What is your favorite color?
8. What is your favorite thing to eat? (what don’t you like to eat?)
9. Who are your friends?
10. What is your favorite song? Can you sing it for me?
11. What is your brother/sister’s name? (this is fun when they can't pronounce it correctly yet)
12. What is your favorite place to go?
13. What is your favorite thing to do?
14. What do you like about your Mommy? (Daddy, sister, etc.)
15. What do you want to be when you grow up?
16. What is your favorite book?
17. What does (sister/brother) like to do?
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